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Your residence may change over the years as you move to accommodate the changes in your lives. Factors for your living arrangements may involve limitless factors including your ages income, profession, desire to be close to family, love of ocean or mountains, good school districts for kids, urban or suburbs or country setting, health issues or deciding to live in another country. 

There are also many levels to the discussions about living arrangements. Again, the list of your personalized choices is unlimited and will change over time. This section offers you both an opportunity to explore choices about how many people you invite to live in your house at different points in your marriage. Should you have drapes or shutters? Carpets or hardwood floors? Television in the bedroom or not? Smoking in the house or not?

The pandemic made our homes a haven and yet, the walls seemed to close in on us at times. We studied our living conditions as the months passed, and many of found ourselves throwing away a ticking clock in the living room, or we reorganized our kitchens.

Now’s the time to discuss your living conditions and make plans for your future.

If you love each other, you can create a safe and loving home in a small apartment. It is not the size or the grandeur of your furnishings that create your home; it is why for creating your home that are important. The time and effort you put into your surroundings demonstrates your desire to create a home base together. On the other hand, a fine home does not create a happy marriage. 

Many couples may decide to rehab or redecorate their homes instead of moving. They may decide to paint, replace the carpeting, add a room, put in a pool, turn the garage into a mother-in-law suite.

There are endless possibilities for creating the perfect home if you negotiate and plan together.